I wanted to share this insightful video. It is Shi Heng Yi’s second Ted Talk and it is excellent. I will share his 1st one soon as I felt that one was almost life changing for me in many professional and personal levels. It came out right before the NYC Covid Lockdowns and it felt like he was speaking through the screen to me.
My Summary
Care and give a shit. If you don’t care about your health you will not be healthy. If you do not care about whatever you will not improve in it.
And be present. If you live in the future you are not giving today the maximum potential.
Be happy with today. Each today leads into tomorrow
Shaolin way is Overcome the suffering
He continues to hit the sticks that teaches him how it mentally challenges him to do a thing that is painful. Not easy. What is your mindset? Do you face it or run?
This society is too weak! Too much technology so we outsource everything, push blame to everyone other than ourselves
Do you think caveman had depression? How about warriors like Spartans? They were too busy to think about being depressed
You can now sit there all day in front of a screen and your body doesn’t have to do nothing
Get more physicality into your life
Reading books alone cannot help, you must put into practice
AI Gemini Summary
The talk is about the importance of taking ownership of your life and overcoming challenges. The speaker, Shi Heng Yi, believes that many of the problems in the world today stem from people outsourcing their happiness and well-being to others. He believes that the key to a successful life is to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.
Shi Heng Yi uses the Shaolin Temple as an example of a tradition that teaches people how to overcome challenges. He believes that the physical training at the Shaolin Temple is not just about learning how to fight, but also about learning how to be mentally strong. He believes that this type of training can help people to overcome any obstacle in their lives.
The talk ends with Shi Heng Yi giving three pieces of advice for living a happy and fulfilling life:
1) care for yourself
2) make choices that are right for you, and
3) be strong.
A poor person has one worry, hunger. A rich person creates infinite worries. Thus, the old saying “ idle hands are the devil’s workshop”. There are many studies showing the happiest people as a whole are small isolated tribes. They have to be productive to survive and find joy in simple daily activities. The answer is not in being poor, but in being productive and active. We get our self worth through personal achievements, not music, movies or the government. Without personal achievements we are incapable of helping others. ( I just had a thought that this may explain why there are many professors that are fairly worthless.)