Better than any stock tip you will ever get! Don't drag baggage into the house or your trading.
Hi Diana. Thx for checking out the substack and subscribing
I totally agree with your analogy on trading.
Still remember my dad saying ( from an author he read )
Always be willing to leave some profit for someone else.
In other words never let greed
control your trading plan.
Currently reading cara's trader wizard then will move on to Maverick Investor.
Starting the journey towards understanding charting .
Will start slow and hopefully gain more confidence.
The Trader Wizard is textbook quality. You have hard copy or digital? Take it slow. Has the podcasts been helpful?
Gets quite technical.
Podcasts give me a starting point in comparing different co's.
Charting seems to be a challenge but will keep plugging at it till the lightbulb come on...
Hi Diana. Thx for checking out the substack and subscribing
I totally agree with your analogy on trading.
Still remember my dad saying ( from an author he read )
Always be willing to leave some profit for someone else.
In other words never let greed
control your trading plan.
Currently reading cara's trader wizard then will move on to Maverick Investor.
Starting the journey towards understanding charting .
Will start slow and hopefully gain more confidence.
The Trader Wizard is textbook quality. You have hard copy or digital? Take it slow. Has the podcasts been helpful?
Gets quite technical.
Podcasts give me a starting point in comparing different co's.
Charting seems to be a challenge but will keep plugging at it till the lightbulb come on...